15th of April, 2019

Minutes 9 April 2019

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign 9thApril 2019


Present: MR, AC, PR, AM, MP, AK, PM, JC, AH, DM


We welcomed Daniel Marshall as the new representative from the Community Council Health and Wellbeing committee.


Financial report:  £114.68.  

·   AC was reimbursed £10 for bananas given to primary school pupils.



·   MP will organise a JTS coffee morning in May and develop a coffee morning pack from her experience.  

·   She had attended a reception marking 10 years of JTS on 26thFebruary.  Ben McPherson, International Development minister for the Scottish Parliament spoke.

·    MP to take on the role of chair at the end of April.


Fairtrade Fortnight

·   AK reported on activities in the University.  A Fairtrade baked goods giveaway event attracted about 80 people.  Aimable Nshimiye, a coffee producer from the Sholi Cooperative, Rwanda, spoke to about 30 people in School V.  He was accompanied by Colleen Tait of SFTF. There were four entries for a Fairtrade Bake-Off .  Photos of all these events are on Fairtrade in St Andrews Facebook page.  AK to send these photos to MP for our website.                   ACTION AK MP

·   MP to update the online directory with information from this year’s finder.                                                                               ACTION MP

·   AC to ask Colleen Tait for photo/s taken with Aimable Nshimiye.                                                                                              ACTION AC

·   MR,MP,AK and AC reported on their second visit to Lawhead Primary School on February 26thduring Fairtrade Fortnight.  The class (P3) later presented their learning about Fairtrade to a whole school assembly.   AC had also been approached by the P4 teacher at Canongate Primary School and we will be invited to visit next year.  SFTF is working on a pack for schools.  MR is in contact re this.

·   Laminated certificates to be taken to each of the premises listed in the directory by those of us who visited them for the updated finder.                                                                                                              ACTION MR MP AC MR AM JC

·   Publicity: MR/PR to write a letter to the St Andrews Citizen reporting on the Fortnight.  DM to ask Callum McLeod for a photoshoot on 29thApril.  The photo to include a Fairtrade Town certificate and to be used for an article reporting on our recent engagement with the Community Council.       AC, PM and DM to attend.                                                                          ACTION MR PR DM AC PM DM


Community Council

·   MP, PR and AC had spoken at the Community Council meeting on 4thMarch. After questions and answers, it was proposed and agreed that the CC will support our work. A report of this is in the CC Minutes.




PR reported on the road signs situation.  The Scottish Government transport department is working on guidelines for acceptable road signs.  Once these have been decided the SFTF will advise us on how to proceed.  The local authority will have a final say on the matter.


Plans for the future – working on trade justice

We agreed to devote the next meeting to this issue and will all think about it before then.                                                  ACTION ALL


Scottish Fair Trade Forum Regional Meeting, Perth March 23rd

PR and MR attended.  Road signs, working with schools and the issue of other ethical accreditation schemes were key topics.


Fairtrade University update

(see also Fairtrade Fortnight events above)

·   AK will be calling a group meeting on 25thApril or 14thMay.

·   AK had plans for encouraging the use of Fairtrade flowers at graduation.



·   We will communicate more with other North-East Fife groups and individuals.  MP to meet Margaret Duffy, Cupar Justice and Peace. AC to forward our minutes to her.                                                           ACTION AC

·   Market Street car-free day.  We might have a stall.  AM/AK to keep us informed on plans and dates.              ACTION AM AK

·   There has been a JTS stall at the Baptist church.  MP to check on the details.                                                                 ACTION MP



Date and venue for next meeting: 

TBC. MP to contact Philip Roscoe, Reader in Management, inviting him to attend.  The date and venue to be agreed after that.                         ACTION MP