26th of September, 2019

Minutes AGM September 2019

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign AGM 26th September 2019


Present:  MR, AC, PR, AM, MP, PM, JC, CD

Apologies:  IC, AH, DM

We welcomed Connie Dawson, this year’s Sustainability Intern.


AGM business

·      Financial report.  AM presented the accounts for the year.  Current balance £114.68

·      Election of officers.  PM took the chair and posts were filled as follows:-

Chair PR - proposed PM, seconded MP

Vice-chair JC - proposed PR, seconded MR

Secretary AC - proposed MP, seconded AM

Treasurer AM - proposed PR, seconded AC


Matters arising

·    JTS had faced closure but has been reprieved.  MP is planning an all-day coffee morning and called for group members’ support.  


Road signs update

·    Martin Rhodes had reported that Traffic Scotland agrees that signs are allowed as long as they are separate from town signs and that planning permission is not required because it is not a planning issue.  We discussed an idea for a floral sign in the future.


Scottish Fair Trade Forum

·    Survey.  PR to forward a link to this SFTF survey for group members to complete.


·    Poster.  SFTF has requested a poster featuring our group’s work to display at the International Fair Trade Towns conference in Cardiff, 18-20 October, MR and PR to select photos and draft text with input from AC.  PR to check with Colleen Tait re deadline.  MP to contact Philip Russell at the R & A to see if he has photographs.                                                                                                           ACTION PR/MR/AC/MP


Perth October 3rd

·     Martin Meteyarde and associates are consulting on behalf of the Scottish Government on October 3rd re the future of Fair Trade in Scotland.  JC, PR and CD intend to go if they can.                                                                                                    ACTION JC/PR/CD 


Schools Pack

·    MR had received teaching packs for use with secondary school pupils from SFTF with a request for feedback on the material.  AC to assess its usefulness for our work with P7 classes.                                                                                       ACTION AC


Plans for this year

·    Schools.  AC to contact St Andrews primary schools, including St Leonards, to offer input focusing on Fairtrade Fortnight.  MP to provide contact details for St Leonards.


·    Coffee mornings.  MP’s plans for JTS, see above in Matters arising.  MR to check with AH re her plans for her next Traidcraft coffee morning.       ACTION MR

·    AC and MP to attend University Steering Group meeting on 4th Nov.


·    Fairtrade Fortnight.  Liaise with CD to organise a film night.  Venue:  Quad lecture theatre or upstairs at the Byre.  Show our Powerpoint presentation beforehand.

·    Revise Fairtrade Town directory.  

·    Trade justice focus. Plans for this to be made following the Perth meeting.  

·    Look ahead to the 2021 British Open Golf Championship.

·    Flower design at Petheram Bridge.  PR to contact the Parks Department with a view to offering a Fairtrade logo design in perennials, perhaps linked to our 20th anniversary in 2025.                                                                                          ACTION PR


Date and venue for next meeting: 

Thursday 21st November, 7.30 at 3 St Leonards Road.