18th of October, 2018
AGM and minutes 27 August 2018
Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign AGM 27th August 2018
Present: MR, AC, AH, PR, PM, AM, AK, MP, JC
Apologies: IC
Matters arising:
• AC had been unable to contact Morrisons. AH with support from MP and MR or PR to arrange a meeting with the manager in the second half of October. AC to supply contact details. ACTION AC/AH/MP/MR/PR
• MP to ask Liam Sinclair to have the Powerpoint presentation shown again at the Byre. AK to look for a copy and circulate it to group members. ACTION MP/AK
• The Chocolate Case screening on May 10th had been a success, with a good audience and a powerful and controversial message re fair trade. MP recommends that we all read the Fairtrade Sheffield Uni report on the weaknesses of fair trade. ACTION all
• AC/MR/PR to look for Fairtrade Finders. JC to send the file to AK for printing. MR to supply list to all who had taken part in the survey so that we can distribute finders to each of the shops etc who provide or serve Fairtrade products. ACTION AC/MR/PR/JC/AK/AM/MP
• MP to ask at the Town Hall for our Fairtrade flag to be flown during Fairtrade Fortnight. ACTION MP
• It was decided to wait until next February to work on distributing Fairtrade certificates again.
Welcome to Anya Kaufman, this year’s Sustainability Officer.
AGM business. PM chaired the meeting during the election of officer bearers. All four officer bearers agreed to stand for nomination. MP proposed and AH seconded their nomination and they were duly elected. Chair PR, vice chair JC, secretary AC, treasurer AM.
Finance: AM presented the annual account. The balance is £124.68.
Fairtrade Town status renewed until 13/08/2020.
• We thanked MR for her work in securing renewal of our Fairtrade status.
• Publicity. A photo of PM, PR and AK with the renewal certificate to be sent along with a letter to the St Andrews Citizen by MR/PR. We will submit an article discussing Fairtrade issues to St Andrews in Focus at the end of January for publication in Feb/March, along with this and/or photo(s) from the coffee morning.
• MR to produce 2 copies of the certificate to be placed in the library and in the Town Hall. IC to be asked to seek permission for the latter. ACTION MR/IC
Traidcraft Coffee Morning, 10th November 10-12noon
• AH had organised the booking at All Saints Church Hall from 9.00 to 1.00, and invited Willie Rennie, who will attend.
• We will all provide baking for sale. ACTION all
• Activities to include guess the weight of the cake and the number of sweets in a jar, both including Fairtrade products.
• Stall(s) for Traidcraft including catalogues and Christmas cards, JTS and Fairtrade goods. ACTION AH/MP/PB
• Publicity – a notice on the Community Pinboard (St A Citizen). Notices to churches and to Bunny Slack’s mailing list. We will all sell tickets in advance; JC to design ticket with details from AH. AK to place notice in Friday memos. ACTION all/JC/AH/AK
• Costs – probably no charge for the hall but a donation for heating and lighting.
• Entry £2 in return for coffee and biscuits.
• Profits to be divided between JTS and Traidcraft Exchange.
• MR/PR to support AH in further organisation, calling on other group members as needed. ACTION MR/PR
Just Trading Scotland. We agreed to work as a group to produce a coffee morning kit for JTS. A sub group to meet mid October; MP to liaise re date. Scottish Fair Trade Forum may have a grant for this. ACTION MP/AH/MR/PR/AK
• Fife Council proposes to remove the Fairtrade Town sign on the A91. PR to write to the Chief Executive Steve Grimmond. ACTION PR
• AC to circulate link to news re UTZ and Rainforest Alliance merger. ACTION AC
Next meeting:
7.30 pm Thursday 18th October, 3 St Leonards Road KY16 9DY