19th of August, 2010

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign Meeting on 19th August 2010

Present: Alice Curteis, Marie Robinson, Peter Robinson, Mary Popple, Averill Marks

Apologies: none

 Read previous Minutes of 20 May 2010

1. Matters Arising from last Meeting


2. The Big Tent 24th - 25th July 2010 

Stall had cost FTFF £126.

FFTF stall had two tables with our new banners, and lots of info leaflets and some free samples (sugar, juice).

Generally it was felt by those helping that there was a lot of interest in Fairtrade, possibly less in the Forum.

3. Annual General Meeting Business

Patrick Marks chaired this part of the meeting

The current office bearers were re-elected:

                        AC as chair, proposed by AM and seconded by MP
                        MR as secretary, proposed by AM and seconded by AC
                        PR as treasurer, proposed by MR and seconded by AM
                        MP as vice-chair, proposed by AC and seconded by PR.                     

PR gave a brief financial report: we have £201.19 currently in our bank account, having over the year bought our banner (£253, plus £30 for the designer).

4. The Open

Sodexo had supplied Fairtrade brand only tea, coffee and Eccles cakes in the outlets for the general public, selling around 17,500 cups of tea and 12,500 cups of coffee, 800 cups of hot chocolate and several thousand bars of chocolate and fair trade snack bars.

Our Fairtrade Town logo appeared on every menu board where the refreshments were on sale.

The use of Fairtrade products at the Open was given press coverage in the (Glasgow) Herald, the Times (not seen), the Dundee Courier, the St Andrews Citizen, and St Andrews in Focus.

Emails had been received in connection with this from Martin Meteyard, Chair, SFTF, and Stephanie Cymber, Scottish Government International Development Team.

MP and AC to visit R&A re. sourcing Fairtrade tea for use in Clubhouse, and encouraging continued use of Fairtrade refreshments at future Open and other Championships.

5. The Website

Info except for the minutes has now been transferred to the new website by MP and Laurence Hole, but this needs to be proof-read (all).  Old minutes (e.g. pre-2009) will not be included. 

PR stated a preference to pay annually for the site.

New outlets in town, to be added to the directory, are:

                        Greggs (apple, orange juice, tea, coffee, advertising on paper cups)
                        Sue Ryder (tea, coffee)
                        Boots ('Extract' range of cosmetics)
                        Tailend fish restaurant and shop (coffee, wine).

MR to take certificates to all these outlets.

AM has a laminator for future production of certificates.

6. Fifth anniversary celebration: Sat 27 November

MR to invite speaker.

AC to ask Dry Island Buffalo Jump band if they would play.

AC to enquire about potential alternative venues.

List of invitees to be compiled including all supporters, representatives of churches, Community Council, University, other Fairtrade Town groups etc.

 Food to be 'pot-luck', mainly cold buffet-type dishes, if possible including Fairtrade ingredients.

Possible prize for dish with greatest number of Fairtrade ingredients.

7. Fairtrade Fortnight, 2011

It is hoped that we can have a Fairtrade stall one Saturday at Morrisons: to be confirmed later in the year.

Another article for St Andrews in Focus might be produced in time for the March edition.

8. Fife Fair trade Forum

Application for Fairtrade County status currently awaiting confirmation of our flagship employer.

9. AOB

AC reported problem with spam in Fairtrade account email: MP to contact AP.

A list of wholesale suppliers of Fairtrade products should be added to the website directory, e.g. Fairshares Trading, Cafe Ecosse, Myrtle, Viking Direct, Traidcraft etc.  MR to check info on Dundee Fairtrade Town websit

Info on Malawi rice is on our website; material for use at church HarvestThanksgiving services to be passed on as appropriate

Cupar group is running a Fairtrade cookery demo with C. Trotter in the Cupar Old Parish Centre in October. 

AC thanked the committee for looking after things while she was temporarily otherwise occupied.

10. Date of Next Meeting

Date of next meeting : Tues 12 October 2010 at AC's house at 7.30pm.  MR to invite D. Bunce and B. Aitken.