21st of January, 2014

Minutes 21st January 2014

Present: Mary Popple, Marie Robinson, Peter Robinson, Julian Crowe, Alain Leger and Averill Marks.

Apologies: Tucker Diego and Izzy Corbin.

Mary welcomed Alain Leger who came in lieu of TD to represent the University Fairtrade Group.

Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting on 15th October 2013.

It is hoped that a representative of F/T group will be invited to CC St Andrews Day celebrations in 2014.

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fatima Ismael, a coffee producer from Nicaragua, is coming to St Andrews on Saturday March 1st.   The University group is to provide a venue preferably at 2pm and with the capability of showing a PowerPoint presentation.  Publicize to students and staff. Action:TD

There will be a stall at Morrisons from 10am until 3pm on Saturday 1st March.

Take banner. A rota of volunteers is needed. Action: JC

The St Andrews Fellowship group is carrying out a survey of shops/cafés selling F/T products during the first week in February.  MP is to explain the survey sheet to group.  Our group will cover non-town centre shops:

Aldi /Spar AM Morrisons JC Kinburn Cafe and East Sands café MR/PR

The results will go in the new flyer, which will be distributed at Morrisons.

Publicity article to be sent to Citizen once students’ activities for F/T fortnight are confirmed. Action TD and MP

PR is to find out if Fatima Ishmael will be bringing samples of coffee for tasting.


This is to be linked to University F/T page and to recipe website when it is active.

Finance     £113.28


PR is to make a list of hotels in St Andrews

JC is to research the F/T zone along Hadrian’s Wall.

MP is to look into getting F/T products used at Golf Open 2015.

Supermarket Campaign - postcards are available for giving to supermarkets to ask for more F/T products. These will be handed out at Morrisons’ stall.

Student group may provide a person dressed as a F/T banana to raise awareness on Saturday 1st at Morrisons.


Liaising with University Group

F/T recipe website competition – Eco groups at Primary schools will be asked to get pupils to submit recipes. Contact to be made with Rhona McLean, Global Citizen Co-ordinator for Fife Council.

Phone app project for finding nearest F/T products is ongoing.

Refreshers Fayre needs volunteers. Date/time to be confirmed. Action TD



Due to new legislation in the European Parliament it will be easier for Fife Council to buy products which have been fairly traded.

Articles on fair trade to be discussed at next meeting.


Date of Next meeting: Wednesday 2nd April at 7.30pm Julian Crowe’s house