St Andrews Fairtrade Trail
Fairtrade Fortnight competition!!
Welcome to our competition. All you have to do is walk around the main shopping streets of the town looking in shop windows during Fairtrade Fortnight. In certain windows you will find a Fairtrade logo beside a Fairtrade product. Make a note of the shop name and the product. See how many you can spot.
Jot them down and send to our Secretary by post or email (Alice Curteis, 52 Hepburn Gardens, St Andrews, KY16 9DF, The Competition runs throughout Fairtrade Fortnight from 27th February to 11th March and entries should be in by 15th March. Please send us your name and address (or email address). The prize for the eagle-eyed winner will be a bag of Fairtrade Goodies.
Updated: 22nd February 2012